Podcast Episode 1 with Eddie Roman

The transcript is from the inaugural episode of the Bibles and Bullhorns podcast featuring Eddie Roman, producer of Way of the Master and author of Search and Rescue. The hosts, JD Morris and Jon Neifert, discuss evangelism strategies, challenges, and personal experiences with Eddie.

Key Points:

Guest Introduction:

  • Eddie Roman shares his journey from fear of evangelism to becoming an experienced evangelist through Living Waters and the Ambassadors Academy.
  • He is the producer of *Way of the Master* and host of the *Romans Road* podcast.

Evangelism Journey:

  • Eddie started as a reluctant Christian who feared sharing the gospel. Attending Living Waters’ Ambassadors Academy changed his perspective and approach.
  • He emphasizes the importance of stepping out in faith despite fear and trusting the Holy Spirit.

Evangelism Methods:

  • Eddie employs various approaches, including one-to-one conversations, open-air preaching, and using a paint board for creative gospel presentations.
  • He highlights the effectiveness of methods like interactive riddles and storytelling to engage audiences.

Challenges and Insights:

  • Eddie discusses overcoming stereotypes about street evangelists and the importance of building trust within church communities.
  • He advises evangelists to listen actively during conversations to identify core issues and tailor their approach.

Church Involvement:

  • Eddie shares his experience building an evangelism team at his church, emphasizing consistency, patience, and gaining the trust of church leadership.
  • He encourages churches to focus on outreach and equip members to share their faith effectively.

Resources and Projects:

  • Eddie’s book *Search and Rescue* serves as a practical guide to evangelism, offering biblical foundations and actionable strategies.
  • He discusses upcoming seasons of *Way of the Master*, including plans to film in diverse locations like Australia, New Zealand, and the 2024 Paris Olympics.

Encouragement for New Evangelists:

  • Eddie encourages beginners to push past fear, take small steps, and trust God to work through them.
  • He stresses the importance of enjoying evangelism and making it a natural, joyful part of Christian life.

The episode concludes with a reminder of the Great Commission and encouragement for listeners to evangelize in creative and meaningful ways.

Author: Jon Neifert, Jonathan Morris, Eddie Roman
Posted on September 06 2023